18 février 2020

The  « FSU-r prize »  rewards students whose work, judged to be of high quality, is rooted in recent issues of regional planning and urban planning. It offers the possibility of recognition outside the academic framework and allows direct contact with professionals in the field. 

Up to  three prizes, with a single value of CHF 500.- , can be awarded.


The candidate meets the  following conditions  :

to have a training in French-speaking Switzerland (Master, MAS, DAS or CAS) in connection with regional planning or urban planning, 
to have validated their work with the academic concerned, 
to have supported his work during the two calendar years preceding the edition of the « FSU-r prize » 


The candidate submits by  March 15, 2020  :

a cover letter,
a certificate of achievement or a copy of their diploma, 
their complete work.


The Jury, made up of professionals, evaluates the works submitted and awards the prizes according to their practical resonance with urban and territorial issues.

The winners present their work at the General Assembly of the FSU-r and are given the opportunity to publish a summary in the journal “Collage”.


To submit an application or for any questions, please contact the Organizing Committee:  prix.fsur@gmail.com

››  Règlement du prix FSU-r

››  Summary document

››  FSU-r award flyer

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Prix FSU-r / Lancement de l’édition 2020

18 février 2020